When I was originally considering getting a coach, I was at a point in life where I felt I was coasting along. Professionally I was doing very well but was definitely not achieving a healthy work-life balance as a result. I am a small business owner in the healthcare industry and I measured my success by my financial gain, at significant cost to my wellbeing. I was single and approaching my mid-30s with a dream of finding a life partner and building a family but no time at all to meet anyone. I felt directionless; every day was the same routine – even at the weekends, and I found myself getting home to my pets at a late hour, skipping dinner because it was too late to cook, spending an hour on the sofa watching mindless TV before bed and then doing it all again tomorrow.


I am a very laid back person who needs to be inspired and motivated to really get the best out of myself. I can be a workaholic as I think this is where I feel safest and I needed to find a candid but caring coach who could give me the tools I needed to make a change. I’d heard of Dr Munita through the healthcare industry and I knew from the way colleagues spoke about her that she was the right person to go with. However, that was only the first step. When I had my heart set on Dr Munita, I had to make sure she wanted to work with me. It’s important between a life coach and their coachee that both of you are on the same page with values and approach. Thankfully, we hit it off immediately and I knew it was going to be a professional partnership that would help me put words around those life goals I wanted in my heart but couldn’t verbalise. I felt I could trust Dr Munita with the task of seeking out my goals and helping me achieve them in a safe environment where I could share parts of myself and my experiences that very few people knew.


The journey with Dr Munita was nothing short of transformational. In our first session Dr Munita helped me to uncover my self-doubt. I’ve always prided myself on being a confident woman but it became so clear to me through our discussions that I had no respect for myself when it came to prioritising me over everything and anything else. This is why I was working so hard every day – the fear that failure was just around the corner haunted me and turning down a day’s work had always felt like assurance that failure was pushed further away. We found an approach around my time management that I was very comfortable with, and Dr Munita helped me to see that prioritising my wellbeing and my quality of life was more important than I had ever thought. I was professionally frightened and Dr Munita asked me to write 50 things I love about myself to disprove my theory that I was a failure waiting to happen. It seemed like a mean feat but somehow, I actually managed to find 65 things I love about me (be your own biggest fan and all that!). When I put this into practice, it was like the windows and doors suddenly opened to my life’s potential. I learned to say ‘no’ and not feel guilty. I learned to put myself before my clients. I learned that life only really begins when you respect yourself enough to live it. I was living to work, now I work to live.


I now have very clear boundaries around my schedule and this has allowed me to meet someone I can share my life with. Dr Munita was the key to unlocking all this and I can genuinely say I am happy – much happier than I have been in a long time. The future is really bright and while I was the one to make the changes, this would never have been possible without Dr Munita’s guidance and advice.


Dr Munita is empathetic, compassionate and caring. She leads with kindness, always, but is candid and direct in her feedback so you feel empowered to find your own way through your darkness. The thing I loved most about my sessions with Dr Munita is her calmness. She is utterly unflappable and this meant I opened up to her and trusted her completely. She never felt condescending or ‘preachy’ and there were some moments where she verbalised aspects of my life I had never been able to find the words for. Those were real ‘WOW’ moments of realisation. My journey with Dr Munita changed my life and left me in a position of opportunity and excitement where I enjoy myself every single day.


