I work for the NHS and since COVID I have been unable to lift the heavy cloud of memories which were left with me.  I felt that although many of us shared an experience I did not want to talk about it.  I did not realise how much this was holding me back and working with Dr Munita helped me discover what was holding me back and to find the the motivation to move forward like nothing I had read or heard before. Dr Munita helped me find the truth and the meaning.

Meeting with Dr Munita as my Life Coach has opened up a different path for me.  The cloud of unpleasant memories that I was constantly carrying over me, I was able to somehow compartmentalise after speaking to her.  This made me feel lighter in other areas of my life and not constantly see triggers which sparked those memories back. I am not quite sure what Dr Munita did, but it was something that changed my thought process which lead to me making better decisions for myself and how I reacted to certain situations.

Dr Munita spoke to me about her life coaching and although at first I was sceptical as I had read some articles and also followed the MIND App, I gave it a go, as she was too polite to refuse.

She brought questions out of me that were hidden inside and made me see things in clarity.  You really have to experience this to understand this. I am usually quite a private person and don’t really speak to anyone about things bothering me, apart from my husband that is. Deep rooted feelings were brought to the surface and the bad feelings were rooted out and channelled in a different and positive way.

I feel I am on my journey living it a better way, and will definitely be checking in with Dr Munita from time to time to keep that dark cloud at bay. I would positively recommend Dr Munita, there is something about her which puts you straight at ease and you know she is coming on your journey with you. She is uniquely able to distill what she has heard into valuable, credible insights.

This is the first time I have ever used a Life Coach and would wholeheartedly recommend Dr Munita. She speaks her heart and mind, she believes in the welfare of others and she believes in what she does.


